
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Georgia (My dumplings are bursting at the thought)

You may compare the date on this post to the date that this dinner was celebrated.  Shameful, I know.  In my defense, it's been a busy month!  The day of the dinner was no different.

The night before I made the fillings.  No issues there.

First thing in the morning I made the dough, stuffed the dumplings, and cooked them.  These dumpling are supposed to be very juicy.  When you take your first bite, you are supposed to suck out all the juice before eating the rest.  I think I rolled it out too thin so when I put them in the boiling water most of them burst.  How disappointed was I!  I would usually try again, but because I was on a schedule I didn't have the time so I unhappily piled the mess of broken dumpling sacks and loose meatballs into a container.

How they are supposed to look:

How they ended up looking:

After practicing my French Horn for an hour I left for my concert.  Warm-up, performance, cheers of admiration, and I was off to the dinner, my mess of a recipe in tow.

Dinner was being held at a new venue.  Our hosts have tried to attend several times but due to, well, life, they were never able to make it.  This time their attendance was guaranteed.  It was at their house.

I made the mistake of trusting google blindly, and I ended up waiting for twenty minutes for a ferry to show up.  I arrive a little past seven, everyone politely waiting for me to start.

Quick, reheat my food, and dinner!

Similar to last time, 9 people were planning on attending.  Unlike last time, 9 people showed up!

With such a large group, there was quite a selection of dishes (including two desserts!), and it was all good.  Most in attendance had not experienced the glory that is the UN Dinner Party before, so it was really fun to hear sentiments from them that I had already been experiencing for over a year now.

Dinner barely over, and I'm already pumped for the next one!

Fyi, I remade the dumplings with the leftovers I had in my fridge the next day.  They came out perfect!

(Celebrated December 3rd, 2016)