
Georgia Recipes

Khinkali (Dumplings)
Makes 30

Meat Filling

700 grams of ground beef and pork mix
half tsp of dried red pepper
quarter tsp ground caraway seed
2 small onions (optional)
500 ml of water.

Add the meat, spices, 2 finely chopped onions and salt to a mixing bowl.  Mix the ingredients by hand and then add 25 ml of water and squash and squash the mixture.  Repeat this process 20 times until you have mixed at least 500 ml of water with the meat.  This will ensure that your khinkali have lots of ‘juice’.

Source:, A True Taste of Georgia,

Mushroom Filling

1.5kg of mushrooms (champignons or any other)
2 onions
2 cloves of garlic
A few coriander sprigs
A few tarragon leaves (to your taste)
Salt and pepper to taste

Finely chop mushrooms, onions, tarragon and coriander. Fry chopped onions in butter on the frying pan. When the onions become translucent, add mushrooms and stir well. When they are almost done, add crushed garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Be careful not to sear the mushrooms because otherwise, the khinkali will not be juicy.
1.4 kilo of flour (1.1 kilo for the dough and .3 kilo for dusting and kneading)
2 eggs
450 ml of warm water

Add 1.1 kilo of flour to a mixing bowl.  Make a depression in the middle of the flour and add the eggs.  Add 450 ml of warm water.  Mix the ingredients from the middle of the bowl until all of the flour is mixed.  The dough should be formed into a ball.  Divide the dough into two pieces.  Sprinkle a work surface and one of the balls of dough with flour and knead (very firmly) and fold the dough.  Continue kneading and folding until the dough is very firmly.  Roll out the dough until it is about 1/3 of an inch thick.  Cut out circles of about 2.5 inches in diameter with a drinking glass.  Carefully remove the excess dough.  Use a rolling pin to roll each circle into a thin eight inch round.  These rounds will be filled with a meat and spice mixture to make khinkali.  NOTE: Repeat the whole process of kneading, folding and cutting and rolling of rounds with the remaining ball of dough.  You will then have enough rounds to make about 30 khinkali.

Take one round of dough from your pile of rounds.  Add 1 heaped tbs of the meat mixture to the center of the round.  Use your thumbs and index fingers to make an accordion type fold all around the outside.  Roll the nubbin of the dumpling between your finger and thumb and pinch off extra dough.  Put each khinkali on a board or work surface that has been dusted with flour.  Carefully place the dumplings into a deep pan of boiling salty water, about 10-15 at a time (depending on the size of your pan).  Boil for 12 to 14 minutes.  If the dough has been made properly the dumplings will not burst.  Garnish with black pepper.

Eating khinkali:  The doughy top, where the pleats all meet, is never eaten, but used as a handle for holding the hot dumplings and is left on the plate to show how many have been eaten.  In Georgia, this top is called the “kudi” (hat) or “kuchi” (belly button).

Source:, A True Taste of Georgia,

Badrijani Nigvzit (Fried Eggplant Rolls with Walnut-Garlic Filling)
Makes 10-12

12 Chinese eggplants or 3 medium globe eggplants (about 1 lb. each)
Neutral-tasting vegetable oil (e.g. canola, sunflower or grapeseed) for frying
1 cup walnuts
1-2 cloves garlic, peeled
½ tsp. white wine vinegar or tarragon vinegar
1 tsp. ground coriander
¼ tsp. ground fenugreek (if you have utskho suneli from Georgia, use 1/2 tsp.)
¼ tsp. ground red pepper flakes or small pinch ground cayenne pepper
¼ tsp. kosher salt
1/2 cup water
Fresh cilantro, thin-sliced onion, and/or pomegranate seeds to garnish


1. In a food processor, grind the walnuts, garlic, vinegar, spices, and water together until smooth. Taste and adjust seasonings as desired. (Ideally, do this several hours or up to 3 days before you plan to serve the dish, as the flavors benefit from time to meld. Store in the refrigerator if making ahead.)

2. Wash and cut the tops off the eggplants. Do not peel. Cut lengthwise into ½ in.-thick slices.

3. Optional but recommended: Salt the eggplant slices generously and let stand for 1 hour, then press out the dark juice, rinse, and pat dry thoroughly with a kitchen towel or paper towels. This is one common technique for minimizing bitterness in eggplant. Using very fresh eggplants will also cut the risk of bitter flavor.

4. Heat 2-3 Tbsp. of oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Brown eggplant slices on both sides, working in batches so as not to crowd the pan and adding oil as necessary. Wait until both sides have turned golden brown, then remove eggplant slices to a plate lined with paper towels. (They should be floppy, not crisp.) Continue until all slices are fried and set aside to cool.

5. Spread a layer of filling on one side of each eggplant slice and roll up to enclose the filling inside. Arrange the rolls on a platter and sprinkle with fresh herbs, thin-sliced onion, or pomegranate seeds (if desired) to serve. You could also serve the rolls on top of crackers or crostini to make them easier to eat neatly as finger food.

Source: The Georgian Table,

Chakhokhbili (Chicken Stew)

1 kilo of chicken breasts
3 large white onions
3 large juicy tomatoes
salt to taste
20 grams of fresh green coriander
20 grams of fresh parsley
1 hot green pepper
50 ml of white wine vinegar
6 tbs of oil
4-5 bay leaves
4 cloves of garlic
1 tbs of red pepper

Cut the chicken and add to a pan with the bay leaves. Add 50 ml of white wine vinegar and 50 ml of water and boil until the vinegar and water have disappeared (stirring occasionally). As soon as the vinegar and water have disappeared, add 6 tbs of oil and chopped onions and fry until the onions become a little brown. Remove skins from the tomatoes and chop. Squash the garlic and add, together with the tomatoes, to the pan. Cook for 7-8 minutes, stirring frequently. Finely chop the coriander and the parsley. Chop the hot green pepper. Add to the pan, together with salt (amount dependent upon personal preference) and red pepper.Stir and turn off the heat.

Source:, A True Taste of Georgia,

Fried Potatoes Flavored With Svanetian Salt

1 kilo of potatoes
20 grams of fresh parsley
20 grams of fresh purple basil
8 tbs of oil
2 heaped tbs of dried coriander
1 heaped tbs of dried dill
1 heaped tbs of blue fenugreek
1 heaped tbs of dried red pepper
1 heaped tbs of marigold, half tbs of dried caraway
6 and a half heaped tbs of coarse white salt (WARNING: Makes it VERY salty)
100 grams of garlic


Svanetian Salt:
Add 2 heaped tbs of dried coriander, 1 heaped tbs of dried dill, 1 heaped tbs of blue fenugreek, 1 heaped tbs of dried red pepper, 1 heaped tbs of marigold, half tbs of dried caraway, and 6 and a half heaped tbs of coarse white salt to a dish. Use a spoon to thoroughly mix all of the ingredients. Remove skins from the garlic and crush the cloves. Add the crushed garlic to the mixture. Use your fingers to mix the crushed garlic with the other ingredients. The mixed ingredients will feel a little moist. You will not need all of the Svanetian salt for this recipe and any leftover can be stored in a dry, cool place in a glass jar that has an airtight seal.

Fried Potatoes:
Wash, peel and cut the potatoes and add to a pan containing 8 tbs of hot oil. Fry the potatoes until they are golden brown. Add 1-2 tbs of the Svanetian salt to the fried potatoes and mix thoroughly. Chop the parsley and purple basil and add to the fried potatoes. Stir and serve.

Source:, A True Taste of Georgia,

Lobio Nigozit
Makes 4 servings

1 lb dried red kidney beans
2 onions
1/2 bunch cilantro, finely chopped
4 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon ground blue fenugreek
3 bay leaves
1 cup walnut halves, finely ground
1 tablespoon pomegranate molasse
1 teaspoon black pepper
Optional (garnish):
A few cilantro leaves
A few pomegranate seeds

Pour the red kidney beans in a large pot filled with a 6 cups of water.
Add the bay leaves and salt.
Cook over medium heat until the beans are tender, at least 1 hour.
Grind cilantro, blue fenugreek, garlic, black pepper and a pinch of salt in a mortar.
Chop the onions.
Fry the onions in a pan with hot oil until translucent.
Drain the cooked beans into a large bowl. Keep 1 cup of the cooking liquid for later use.
With the back of a wooden spoon, mash the beans on the side of the bowl.
Add the ingredients which were crushed in the mortar, the ground walnuts, pomegranate molasse, fried onions and cooking oil to the beans.
Mash all the ingredients until everything is completely incorporated.
Add the cup of cooking liquid to the beans.
Transfer the ingredients to the pot and cook over medium heat for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Serve in clay pots with hot mchadi bread.
Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves and pomegranate seeds.

Source: 196 Flavors, by Mike Benayoun,

Mchadi (Georgian Cornbread)
Makes 6 servings

400 grams of stone-ground cornmeal (preferably white)
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of cold water (may need more depending on the cornmeal)

Add water to the cornmeal little by little so that the cornmeal becomes firm but not wet. When the dough is ready, take a piece and make a small ball. Shape the ball in the palm of your hand until it looks like the one in the picture above. Heat the oil in a pan (medium heat) and add the dough. Smooth each piece with the back of a wet spoon. Cover and cook for 5-6 minutes. Turn the dough over and cook uncovered for a further 5-6 minutes. The Mchadi are golden brown when ready. Traditionally eaten with Lobio.

Source:, A True Taste of Georgia,

Khachapuri (Georgian Cheese Bread)
Makes 12 servings

2/3 cup warm water (115 degrees)
1 tsp active dry yeast
1/4 tsp sugar
1 tbsp olive oil, plus more for greasing
1 1/4 cups flour, plus more for dusting
1 tsp kosher salt
2 1/2 cups shredded Muenster cheese
1 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
2 eggs (optional) OR 2 egg yolks (I prefer just the yolk)
4 tbsp unsalted butter, cubed

1. In a large bowl, add water, sugar and yeast.
2. Let bloom until foamy and fragrant, about 10 minutes.
3. Add flour, olive oil, and salt to bowl and stir with wooden spoon until a soft, springy dough forms.
4. Transfer dough to well greased bowl and let rise in a warm area for 1 hour.
5. Preheat pizza stone in oven at 500 degrees (dont add stone to a hot oven, let it come to temperature in the oven so it doesn't explode.)
6. Generously flour a counter surface.
7. Punch down dough, and divide into two round balls.
8. Roll out one ball onto floured surface into a large disc, about ¼" thick.
9. Add 1/4 cheese mixture to the center of the dough.
10. Roll the sides to form a boat shape around the dough.
11. Add another 1/4 cheese to the middle and place into oven.
12. Bake 30 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly and crust is a golden brown.
13. Top with fresh egg and pats of butter when removing from oven.
14. Repeat with second disc for second Khachapuri.

Source: Sweet C's, by Courtney O'Dell,

Sweet Hadjin Choreg
Makes a lot. I mean, A LOT.


For the Koritz (filling):
1 lb. butter
3 cups flour
4 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup finely ground walnuts
1 cup sugar

For the dough:
1/2 lb. melted room temperature butter
1/2 cup crisco
1/2 cup warm water
2 packets yeast
2 1/2 lbs. flour
2 tsp. salt
1 cup + 1 Tbsp. sugar
12 oz. can evaporated milk
2 beaten eggs


For the Koritz:
Melt the butter on the stove over medium-low heat. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon. Keep stirring and stirring until it is well blended and looks almost like dough. Turn off the heat and add cinnamon, walnuts and sugar and stir stir stir until the sugar is totally dissolved and everything is blended very well. Set aside to cool.

For the dough:
First, melt the butter. Set aside to cool to room temperature.

Mix the flour, sugar and salt together well. Cut the crisco into the flour with a pastry cutter or just by using your fingers.

Dissolve 1 Tbsp. sugar in 1/2 cup of warm water. Add the 2 packets of yeast to this and set aside to proof for 10 minutes.

Beat the 2 eggs. Add the eggs, melted butter, yeast mixture and evaporated milk to the flour mixture. Mix with your hands (it will be messy) until it comes together as a dough. Knead just until it is completely blended. You can do all this right in the bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for at least 2 hours.

Divide the dough into 5 equal sized portions. Divide the koritz into 5 portions. Take 1 portion of dough and roll out into a square about 1/4″ thick. Spread 1 portion of the koritz all over it, pressing it into the dough with your hands lightly. Roll up into a tube like a jelly roll. Pinch and seal the edges with your fingers. Now gently flatten it out with a rolling pin, being careful not to let the kortiz ooze out. Cut on the diagonal into several rectangular pieces. Pierce each choreg with a fork in a couple places. Brush with beaten egg. Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Repeat with each portion until you are done. Eat them hot out of the oven! Once they’ve cooled, you can microwave them for 15-20 seconds and they will taste fresh. They also freeze well if you want to save them.

Source: Lisa Cooks,

Gozinaki with Walnuts
Makes 20 servings

1 cup honey
4 cups shelled walnuts
4 tablespoons powdered sugar

Roast the walnuts and break them into small pieces with a knife.
Pour the honey in a non-stick pan, put on low heat and bring to a boil.
When the honey begins to foam, remove from heat and let cool.
Put it back on the stove and repeat this procedure twice to allow the honey to thicken.
Add the powdered sugar and stir until reaching boiling point again.
Pour the walnuts and mix well.
When the walnuts are starting to change color (about 3 minutes), remove from heat.

First Method:
Immediately pour the mixture on a wet and oiled wooden board.
Spread evenly on the board with a wet hand or the back of an oiled metal spoon.
Level with an oiled roll pin.
Adjust the edges with your hands or with a knife to obtain a square or round of about 1/2 inch thick.
Using a heated and oiled knife blade, cut equal triangular or diamond-shaped pieces.

Second Method:
Immediately pour the mixture on a wet and oiled wooden board.
Form a cylinder of about 1 1/2 inch diameter.
Let cool for 10 minutes.
Using a heated and oiled knife blade, cut equal slices.

Source: 196 Flavors, by Vera Abitbol,

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