
Kiribati Recipes

Sweet Coco Pumpkin with Pandan Leaves

5 cups cubed kabocha pumpkin, available at Asian markets and whole foods (2-3 lb pumpkin should do)
1 15 oz can coconut milk
1/3-1/2 cup sugar
5 pandan leaves, or more to taste


Cut the pumpkin in half and remove seeds. Cut each half into strips. Peel the strips. Cut the strips into cubes.

Tie about 5 pandan leaves into in a knot (you can add more to taste). Add pumpkin and pandan to medium pot with coconut milk and sugar. Cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes or until tender. Taste and add more sugar as desired. Serve hot or chilled.

Te Bua Toro ni Baukin
(We didn't make this one.)

Ingredients (for 6 persons)
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
6 tablespoons powdered milk
1 1/2 lb grated pumpkin (about 1 medium pumpkin)
1 1/2 lb shredded cabbage (about 1 medium cabbage)
1 lemon
1 tin meat (SPAM) or 1/2 lb corned beef

Peel pumpkin and grate flesh into a dish, or if the pumpkin is large, cut the top and carve the inside. Drain excess water from grated pumpkin. Shred cabbage and add to grated pumpkin. Add flour, tinned meat (or diced corned beef), powdered milk (or soy milk), cabbage and baking powder to the pumpkin. Mix all together. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice. Put mixture into a baking dish that was greased with butter or oil. Cook in 350 F oven until brown, about 45-50 minutes.

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