
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Croatia, Slovenia, & Bosnia-Herzegovina (#BigSweatyBalls)

First dinner of the new year!

Croatia, Slovenia, & Bosnia-Herzegovina (aka Bosnia) joined the UN May 22nd, 1992.

The pressure was on for this dinner.  Up until now we have had no way of knowing how authentic our meals have been, but this time Amber invited a coworker with Croatian roots.  Someone who could actually tell us how how close (or far off) our recipes are to the real thing.  Oh crap.

Unlike my last recipe, I managed to keep this recipe in one piece. My apartment smelt good!

On the way to the dinner I picked up our regional culinary expert slash food judge and Amber.  After some food Tetris in my car we were off!  My car smelt gooooooood!

There were already a few people working on their recipes.  Mine was done, and miraculously stayed hot even two hours after it was pulled off the stove, so I got the pleasure of drinking beer while watching the masters at work.  Awe man, that house smelt GOOD.  I pretty sure everyone was uncomfortably excited for this dinner.  O maybe that was just me projecting.

There were so many dishes we did it buffet style.

Amber also brought a party in a box, aka regional beer and plum brandy, and boy did it get the party going.  We had several thrilling conversations about a variety of subjects including, but not limited to, honey, burned thumbs, the uses of honey (to cure said burned thumbs), dinosaur ladles, and big sweaty balls.  There was even a video of someone getting owned by a sheep I think.

We made it through the main dishes our judge declared that he thought we did a great job, and had no issues with any of the dishes.  NAILED IT!!!

PS, I promised myself it wouldn't take me as long to post as it did the last one.  FAIL.  I made the mistake of trying to wait until I got the photos and recipes from my fellow UN diners, but I can wait no longer.  I can only say I have most of the recipes, and since I don't have a nice group shot, I sketched it out so you can get the feel:

PPS, here's some "big sweaty balls":

(Celebrated January 14th, 2017)