
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Armenia + Azerbaijan (= UN Dinner for DAYS.)

Like San Marino, Armenia and Azerbaijan joined the UN on March 2nd, 1992.

Every dinner I get so involved in cooking my recipes (or eating them) I don't think about taking the photos I'm always demanding from others for this blog.  At the other end of the spectrum, Amber always takes the most thorough photo catalog of prep work and cooking, and this week was no different.

I would typically add all these photos to the recipe page, but I needed to share here series of skilled shots in the blog at least once.  Quite the production, right?

I did most of my prep at home, but left the cooking (which involves a lot of flour) for Jenny's.  I did not strategize my clothing selection base on this fact.  Black was a bad choice.  I ended covering myself in flour.  When I was done I had to step out into the hall to shake myself off.

Before I knew it we were ready, and once I started I could not stop.  It was so good and I inhaled it.  It went from this:

To this:

In no time flat.

I was very impressed with the wide range of flavors from dish to dish, and even within single dishes.  They were all so different, and all so gooooooood.  We had to take a break before dessert, but it only took about one board game round to work up the appetite to dig in.

I filled my plate to overflowing for both dinner and dessert, as did everyone, but we didn't make a dent.

When we started these dinners we had some problems with portion control, and we would make more food in one dish than everyone was capable of eating, never mind the other dishes.  Over time we have been able to train ourselves to make a reasonable amount of food.  It's like we went back to square negative one for this dinner.

I made one dish (half recipe for both vegetarian and meat options), Amber made one dish, but 3 different kinds of filling, Jenny made two very big salads, Julie made two desserts plus a rice dish, on top of Allard's two loaves of bread.  11 dishes, 5 people.  Holy cow, there was SO MUCH FOOD.  There were piles left, and nobody brought enough containers for the leftovers and had to resort to ziplock bags and saran wrap.  We were going to be eating UN diner for days.  Literally, for days.

I did not go grocery shopping this week.

(Celebrated April 1st, 2017)