
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Latvia & Estonia (RIP Sourdough Starter)

Like Belarus & Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia joined the UN on September 17th, 1991.

Confession.  I can't remember much about this dinner.  I remember it being delicious, but I can't remember anything else.  I guess that's what happens when you decide to go on a 2 week vacation before you start the blog post.

Ah, it's coming back to me.  I started cooking a month before the dinner.

WUUUUUH?  A month?  Yes.  A month.  that's what happens when you need to establish a sourdough starter for a dinner.  I seem to be earning to read my recipes ahead of making them, which is a miracle in of itself.

Never made sourdough starter before.  Turns out, you should choose a container much bigger than the volume of the ingredients as it expands.  and if your container is too small, it will expand right out of the container and all over your oven.  You'll just have to take my word on this.

The other recipe I chose was a potato/carrot tart.  I wasn't sure about this, not a big fan of cooked carrots, but it looked like fun to make so I went for it.

It was too early to finish my cook when I got there, so the bar tender (aka Bryan, aka best host ever) served me the most amazing Gin & soda with lemon as I waited. Suffice it to say, I was drinking gin sodas, gin & tonics, gins & whatever for the two weeks I was vacationing.

I also brought some treats from Portugal (Port) and Amsterdam (Cheese) that we sampled as we waited.
My strategy for the cheese selection was to find the weirdest looking cheese I could.  I think I did a pretty good job of this.

By my second drink it was time to finish our dishes, so I pull out my ingredients, Amber preheated the oven, and Jenny proceeded to chop up the most ridiculous amount of mushrooms.  Like, if you attempted to measure the quantity of the multiple types of mushrooms she had the scale would say "WTF".

The dinner was DELICIOUS.  And surprise, surprise, my favorite was the potato/carrot tart!  If you ask me though, I still will not admit to liking cooked carrots.

Dinner, dessert, some kicking of butt in canasta, and another successful diner had past.

RIP Sourdough starter: FYI, you can kill your starter very effectively if you leave it in the oven when you leave for a 2 week vacation.  It got it's revenge by suicide bombing my oven.  Yuck.

(Celebrated October 21st, 2017)