
Monday, March 5, 2018

Ukraine (Will trade beverages for pyrizkies)

The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic joined the UN on October 24th, 1945. Then they won their independence and joined again on April 24th, 1991.  If it were up to me I would go with the first date, but, whatever.

So I have had some piroshki recipes set aside for when we get to Russia in 15 years, but the Ukraine has an almost indistinguishably similar food called a pyrizhky.  The only thing that's different is the pyrizhkies are traditionally football shaped.  Close enough.  Making them!

We were supposed to celebrate at Jenny's, just Amber, Jenny, and I.  Bryan wasn't going to make the trek, so he obviously doesn't like piroshkis as much as he says he does.  Instead, he decided to put his sales skills to the test and started enticing us with warm fires and adult beverages.

Well, it worked.  We abandoned our plans to meet at Jenny's, donned our bras (or maybe that was just me), and headed to Amber and Bryan's.

The moment I entered the house I was offered a beverage (yes please).  Jenny and Amber had been flipping through a big book of mixed drinks and already had a list going.
We had a few drinks, while we cooked.
I was clear everyone was staying the night, and Amber and Jenny had the foresight to blow up the spare bed.  I was then viciously attacked by Jenny with a pillow that got me screaming up and down the hallway.  We eventually finished the dinner, and had a few more drinks while we ate.

I must say, my "pyrizkies" turned out pretty freaking good, to my pleasant surprise.  Then we had a few more drinks, played some games, and then had a few more drinks.  After failing at some Drawful (Pictionary) and dumping a bag of almonds all over their couch, it was clearly time for bed.

The next morning's atmosphere was not as up beat.  In fact, I think the goal was to be as down beat as possible.  Often when staying the night the next morning we would have some delicious breakfast.  This time it was reduced to toast and aspirin.

(Celebrated February 17th, 2018)