
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Brunei (All-natural Dinner, Un-natural Dessert)

Brunei Darussalam joined the UN September 21, 1984.

Brunei is a dry nation.  No booze.  Which immediately prompted the question, "We're not doing that, are we?"

The last dinner did not have a dessert, so I was assigned dessert for this one, and boy, did I find some.

Fun ingredients...

... fun to make...

... not always so fun to sample...
For the Es Cendol, aka Bahn Loh, aka green stuff, I was shopping for the ingredients when I came across a packet for Bahn Loh that was a "just add water" sort of thing.  I made it.  But when I sampled it... well, see above photo.

I also made some crazy looking cup cakes that I was really excited to have as backup to the weird green stuff.

When I got to amber's I decided to go ahead and make the Es Cendol from scratch with the hope it would come out less gross.  Thank goodness it did.

I was done in a jiffy and had the joy of watching the others cook while I enjoyed a cold one.

In no time the other guests arrived and it was dinner time.  Cue the usual terrible group photo.

Not only was it delicious, it actually seemed relatively healthy too.  That is, until dessert.

Between the neon cupcakes and the green worms we all had doubts.  In fact, it was pretty good.  The only problem was the crash that arrived shortly after the sugar high.

(Celebrate May 12th, 2018)

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