
Thursday, January 10, 2019

St. Vincent & The Grenadines (the dough boy got bushwacked)

Chantelle and David popped their UN dinner hosting cherry on St. Vincent & the Grenadines.  This Caribbean island nation joined the UN on September 16th, 1980.  Nothing like some tropical food in the middle of rainy October!

Jenny and Amber were fresh back from their yearly jaunt to Nashville, TN, where they discovered a tantalizing drink called a Bushwacker.  Think Wendy's frosty but with the potential of being as much as 75% alcohol.  Jenny's contribution was going to be some home made Bushwackers, so I made sure not to be DD that night.  (Fyi, DD means "designated driver".  Not "drunk driver" or "designated drunk" like my parents thought when I was first recalling this evening to them.)

After finishing rolling my dumplings and stuffing my cucumbers I was off to dinner.  (Can't have a good blog post without a food related innuendo.)

Don't remember what we ate.
Don't remember what we talked about.
Don't remember why I made a note in my phone, and I quote, "I touched your bun (and not the dough boy)".
I think I got bushwacked.  Though I don't know what I was expecting after three of them.

I leave you with the only reason we could remember as much of the evening as we did.  The few photos we took that night!

(Celebrated October 27th, 2018)

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