
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Solomon Islands (Hanging out in flavor town)

Solomon Islands joined the UN September 19, 1978.

This dinner was scheduled the day after I got home from being in Europe for a week and a half.  I strategically chose the easiest recipe I could find so that I didn't over commit to something I would not be able to achieve in my jet lag.  Poi!  2 ingredients: Taro, and water.  Here's hoping someone else cooks something with a little more texture and flavor so we don't have a repeat of the Marshall Islands baby food incident.

Mike and Melissa's place smells great when I get to their place, and it only got better.  Since I had already made my dish I got to drink some wine while I sat and watched all the activity.  Which included Jenny being too aggressive squeezing limes and accidentally dropping one into her GIANT vat of soup.

How many people does it take to open a can of coconut milk?
We of course had many different conversations while we waited for dinner to be ready.  Conversations at this dinner party was particularly interesting.  I won't go into too much detail, but they included duck reproduction, getting high on nutmeg, and nude bars.  Very stimulating.

Good news!  It was not a baby food dinner, and someone even described it as "taking a trip to flavor town".  I had watched several spicy peppers get added to several dishes, but luckily everything I tried was totally fine.

The Poi tasted exactly like it looked.  Grey, boring, bland,  But to be honest, I wasn't expecting much.  It seemed the biggest fan wasn't sitting at the table, but standing under it.  Mike and Melissa's dog couldn't seem to get enough.  She was also one of the few takers when it came time to fill up on leftovers.

(Celebrated March 24th, 2019)

Friday, March 1, 2019

Saint Lucia & Dominica (These figs are bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S)

Saint Lucia joined the UN on September 18, 1979.  Dominica (NOT to be confused with the Dominican Republic) joined exactly 9 months earlier on December 18, 1978.

When we were first choosing recipes, Jenny claimed rice and beans, and one of my top choices was Green "Fig" Salad.  When Jenny realized that her recipe came from the Dominican Republic, I made the mistake of mentioning the fact that "fig" doesn't really mean fig, and instead they are green bananas, and how there was salad that you boiled them for.  She ended up taking that recipe.  As I continued looking I can across a recipe for a black bean soup with rice, so in the end, we sort of ended up cooking each others recipes.  How neat is that?

I got all my items done ahead of time, inducing an avocado daiquiri that ended up spending too much time in the freezer and became more like an avocado sorbet.  Left me a lot of time to watch Jenny boil some bananas with fascination.

Dinner was delicious, as usual.

Our dinner ended like most did, with card games and Drawful.

(Celebrated January 19th, 2019)