
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Suriname (UN Dinner and Cocktail Party)

Suriname joined the UN on December 4th, 1975.

I had thought that I would be fresh off the plane from VA, so I chose to keep it simple.  Roti, aka flatbread had a max of 4 ingredients, and required minimum effort.  The gestating Dack twins were feeling feisty around the time we had the dinner scheduled and ended up delaying it a week.  As I now had the time I stepped up my game and found another roti recipes stuffed with potato.  Winner!

Chris and Lola were determined to host.  Up until recently, they resided in NYC, and Lola's only participation was being my biggest blog fan, living vicariously through my poorly written posts.  With a new house and twins on the way, what a better house warming than a UN Dinner?

Due to Mike's close proximity to my own residence, Jenny, Mike, and I often carpool, and this was no exception.  Though this time didn't really go as typical, and the need to share is felt to my core:

Jenny: When are you heading to chris and lola's? Would it be possible for mike and i to snag a ride?

A dozen texts about whether I was driving or taking an Uber, and two photos of Mike, and 3 hours later...

Me: I'm just gonna drive.
Jenny: What time are you leaving?
Me: I'm going to be cooking for at least another hour
Me: Maybe 430ish?
Jenny: Ok cool. We'll prob grab a ride with you then. I'll confirm with mike when he gets off the phone
Me: K, I'll touch base when I get close

1.5 hrs later, and I'm ready at this point...

Jenny: We need like 40 mins.  Does that work for you?
Me: Yeah that's fine.  So pick you up at 445?
Jenny: Ummmm i am having casserole leaking issue so let me get back to you
Me: K.  I'm flexible.  Just give me a little forewarning.

30min later...

Jenny: We'll be ready at 5!
Me: Okeedokee!
Jenny: Nevermind, we'll meet you there
Jenny: Sorry
Jenny: <face palm emoji>
Jenny: We're at my house and just going to drive there!
Me: That would have been awkward to when I arrived at Mike's to not find you there!

To be clear, Jenny's place is nowhere near Mike's.  5 hrs of thinking they were is a different apartment, in a completely different part of town.  You can imagine the magnitude of the eye roll I performed after waiting around for them to be ready.

Last to arrive, cooking was in full swing.

Chris, being a huge fan of cocktails, has become the UN Dinner bar tender.  For the dinners instead of looking up food recipes he looks up cocktail recipes.  With the lemongrass syrup and a the coconut milk, this one was spot on.  So spot on, that even though I drove, I got a ride home.

We ate and drank.  Dessert was a mix of Suriname and not.  Amber making a her Surinamese dish while Mike opted to bake his famous family cheesecake (I have been hearing Jenny talk about Mike's promise to make it for months now).  The conversation went every direction, including one that made the boys squirm.  No details in this blog, you'll just have to use your imagination.


Dinner: 40
Celebrated: November 2nd, 2019

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