
Sunday, September 13, 2015

East Timor (Did someone remember the Thiosulfate?)

East Timor joined the UN September 27th, 2002.

After I read the wiki page on the Cuisine of East Timor I knew immediately what would be expected of me: Bibinka, A grilled and layered coconut cake.

I love to bake.  And I'm not too terrible at it, but this cake made me nervous.  I read the recipe a few times before I even tried it, and then I still decided to make a "test cake" before the actual dinner.  It turned out great, but it is HEAVY.  One tiny slice and you were ready for a nap.  Lucky my office is full of hungry engineers, and it was gone within the hour after I left it in the office kitchen.

I had planned on making in the Friday before.  Of course I forgot about the "Fruity Wine & Mario Cart" night I planned with a friend for that very evening.  Couldn't do it in the morning because of the Husky Game I was going to.  (GO DAWGS!!!)  I had no choice but to leave work early to leave enough time to bake. (oh darn!)  After 2 hours of baking, and evening of slowly getting worse at Mario Cart (I blame the wine), and a football game I was on my way to my friends for this dinner.

One of the participants decided to make Cassava which is a staple in East Timor.  Cassava has to be prepared correctly because if improperly cooked can cause cyanide poisoning.  So, we prepared the snot out of it!  Not to worry, Thiosulfate will combat cyanide poisoning and can be ordered online through Amazon Prime with 1-hour delivery!

We all decided to take a bite of this root all at the same time.  If we were going down, we were going down together!  Paranoia ran rampant after dinner, including a web search for the symptoms of cyanide poisoning, but everyone was still breathing come morning.

Please don't mind the awkward photo of my friend's chest.  It's actually, and I quote, "making the same face that she is".

(Celebrated September 12th, 2015)

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