
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Welcome to the United Nations Dinner Party... Online!

So one day a friend invites me to a South Sudan dinner party.  Not knowing anything about South Sudan I thought it sounded like a charity event.  Sure, I'm in!  Now what exactly is this event we are going to?

After further clarification, I found out that they were planning on throwing a series of dinner parties, one for every country that has joining the United Nations.  To be held in reverse order of when they joined.  South Sudan was the most recent member, so we would start there.

After we held a couple I realized I needed someplace to record recipes, reviews, and weird little things we learned about each country.  The first few posts are "catch up" as they were held over the past few months,  I hope to keep the blog up to date for future dinners.

Please note that the recipes are a collection of things we found online with modifications for personal preferences and dietary restrictions.  I hope we get at least close to authentic, but I honestly have no idea.  I imagine if the natives watched us prepare these meals they would likely end up laughing at us.


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